Cromdale Square

Redevelopment of the former Drumoyne Primary School site to provide 49no. homes for social rent including 4no. wheelchair adaptable units and the renewal of the former janitor's house.

After a detailed feasibility study by Grant Murray, it became clear that the existing school building did not lend itself to residential development. The building has unfortunately fallen into a state of significant disrepair and incurred extensive damage as a result of various fire incidents & prolonged neglect.

Nevertheless, fundamental to the concept for the newbuild option is the retention of the existing stone entrance façade, to serve as a focal landmark for the new environment. The central façade is viewed as the most aesthetically important element of the existing structure and its retention will greatly enhance the new development. The Shieldhall Road boundary walls, railings and Janitor’s house are also to be retained; creating a balanced mix between newbuild elements and the existing character of the environs.

The aim of the development is to regenerate the depressed site, creating 49 additional homes arranged into a transparent and modern new community; one that preserves and incorporates defining site characteristics within an exciting new vision. These homes will be served by extensive areas of carefully considered hard & soft landscaping, new vehicular parking and will be designed with a strong focus on sustainable principles

architect: Mark Smith, Patricia Schleeh

client: Linthouse Housing Association

cost: £10M


  • Inside Housing Development Awards 2023: 'Best Regeneration Project - 0-100 Homes' - Winner
  • Inside Housing Development Awards 2023: 'Best Affordable Housing Development - Scotland' - Shortlisted
  • Homes For Scotland Awards 2023: Development of the year Medium (26-99 units) - Finalist
  • Scottish Home Awards 2023: 'Small Affordable Housing Development of the Year' - Finalist
  • Scottish Home Awards 2023: 'Housing Regeneration Project of the Year' - Finalist
  • Scottish Design Awards 2023: 'Architecture: 'Regeneration' category - Nomination
  • The Herald Property Awards for Scotland 2023: 'Best Regeneration Project - Residential' - Finalist

location: Shieldhall Road , Glasgow

photography: Grant Murray Architects

Cromdale Square

Redevelopment of the former Drumoyne Primary School site to provide 49no. homes for social rent including 4no. wheelchair adaptable units and the renewal of the former janitor's house.

After a detailed feasibility study by Grant Murray, it became clear that the existing school building did not lend itself to residential development. The building has unfortunately fallen into a state of significant disrepair and incurred extensive damage as a result of various fire incidents & prolonged neglect.

Nevertheless, fundamental to the concept for the newbuild option is the retention of the existing stone entrance façade, to serve as a focal landmark for the new environment. The central façade is viewed as the most aesthetically important element of the existing structure and its retention will greatly enhance the new development. The Shieldhall Road boundary walls, railings and Janitor’s house are also to be retained; creating a balanced mix between newbuild elements and the existing character of the environs.

The aim of the development is to regenerate the depressed site, creating 49 additional homes arranged into a transparent and modern new community; one that preserves and incorporates defining site characteristics within an exciting new vision. These homes will be served by extensive areas of carefully considered hard & soft landscaping, new vehicular parking and will be designed with a strong focus on sustainable principles

architect: Mark Smith, Patricia Schleeh

client: Linthouse Housing Association

cost: £10M

status: Completed - Sep 2022


  • Inside Housing Development Awards 2023: 'Best Regeneration Project - 0-100 Homes' - Winner
  • Inside Housing Development Awards 2023: 'Best Affordable Housing Development - Scotland' - Shortlisted
  • Homes For Scotland Awards 2023: Development of the year Medium (26-99 units) - Finalist
  • Scottish Home Awards 2023: 'Small Affordable Housing Development of the Year' - Finalist
  • Scottish Home Awards 2023: 'Housing Regeneration Project of the Year' - Finalist
  • Scottish Design Awards 2023: 'Architecture: 'Regeneration' category - Nomination
  • The Herald Property Awards for Scotland 2023: 'Best Regeneration Project - Residential' - Finalist

location: Shieldhall Road , Glasgow

photography: Grant Murray Architects

Ⓒ Copyright 2023 Grant Murray Architects Ltd. All Rights reserved | Company No: SC374492